zoff813 發表於 2015-3-9 09:26:22

我想問有冇人有機械鍵盤唔要/平放?對電競產品有興趣想研究下但冇錢買 希望有人幫忙...

如題.. thx

Yogesh 發表於 2015-3-9 11:43:52

Take a look at Aula Ghost King TKL or Rapoo K500. They aren't very expensive.

LFT_Goki 發表於 2015-3-13 19:30:22

what switch would you want to use?
If u don't know, go to try frist
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查看完整版本: 我想問有冇人有機械鍵盤唔要/平放?對電競產品有興趣想研究下但冇錢買 希望有人幫忙...